Houston, We’ve a problem

A few of you have submitted a problem with the search function in KyPass 1.3: as soon as they press the button search, Kypass will turn off.
I can not reproduce this problem myself.
If some of you have a problem with the search function and a non-confidential database, please contact me via the contact form or a comment to this article in order to send it to me.
Thank you.

KyPass 1.3 is out

KyPass 1.3 is out.
The main feature is the support of the key file !

The name of the key file is the name of your keepass database followed by .key.
Thus, if your database is password.kdb, the key file is password.kdb.key.
For security reason Dropbox could not be used to synchronize this file, thus you have to use the function “upload from desktop” or use iTunes to send this file on KyPass.

The first time KyPass synchronizes your dropbox, it uses the /Crypted folder at the root of your dropbox directory.
Make sure that your kdb file are in this folder. (the filenames have to be lowercase for the moment)
If you want to use another folder, you could change in the settings panel.