KMSC #20: DS3D

This 20th entry (the last one ?) was created by Sylvain from Bilou HomeBrew’s Blog.
Here is his description:

maybe it’s too late, maybe it’s not.

Anyway, if i had plenty of time for DS coding, i’d be working on this: DS3d animator — animate 3D models in your living room.

– import 3DS models (as files on SD card or via WiFi)
– allow creation of composite models by drawing separate objects one after each others
– define anchors and “strings” between objects of one model, as well as a ‘rest position’ towards which the angle/distance between objects
– record animations out of touch input (e.g. by defining a target position and speed and let the character evolve to that location). Visualize the animation on upper screen
– colorize the 3D model
– stamp sprites on top of 3D objects (e.g. the eyes of the character, etc), from a sprite palette
– substitute one object with another to do “3D sprite” animation

And most importantly: save the generated animation in a way that will allow it to be imported in a 2D/3D game engine (either full 3D engine, or something à la new super mario bros.)


KMSC #19: DS MPC/sp-404

This 19th entry was created by dman
Here is his description:

Ok here is my idea. It’s a drum machine/sample sequencer kind of like
an akai mpc in operation( It has 8 samples and 8
tracks (or whatever can be made with the DS hardware). You can record
your sequences and play them back…giving you a drum machine in your

Here is how it works:

1. The round thing is the pad where you play the notes. Hitting in the
center plays the sample at max volume, towards the edges at a lower
2. The round pad thing pulses at the metronome speed.
3. Samples can be quickly changed by hitting the sample buttons on the
left side.
4. Different tracks can be selected on the right hand side.
5. The D-Pad is used to play/rec/overdub and delete notes in a sequence.
6. The sequencer would have a resolution of 96ppq (same as mpc).
7. The top screen holds all the information on the current sequence.
This can be swapped with the lower screen using the L or R button.

There would also be a sample edit page which i haven’t shown here. The
idea is to make a very simple/fast way of making music with samples
(like the mpc series and roland sp-303/404) on a nintendo DS.


KMSC #18: Videogames Manager

This 18th entry was created by Nhut_gfx
Here is his description:

C’est un jeu de gestion d’une boîte qui produit des jeux vidéos, mélange de Segagaga et de Football Manager. La situation d’une entreprise X (nom choisi par le joueur, disons Byt@Work) est gravissime, et le joueur (nommons-le Albert) est nommé PDG pour redresser la barre et remettre Byt@Work dans le vert.

Pour cela il est secondé par sa secrétaire Miss Bellens qui s’occupe de la gestion générale de la société, par son attachée de presse Miss Détienne du service des finances et communications et par son hôtesse d’accueil Miss Chevalier.

Le but du jeu est de récupérer 100% de parts de marché en 5 ans, le jeu commençant avec seulement 5%. Pour cela il faut développer des jeux vidéos de qualité avec un budget réduit, en faire la promotion avec de la publicité, puis utiliser l’argent récolté pour faire des jeux encore meilleurs. On gère 3 équipes de dév qui travaillent indépendamment. Ainsi pendant que l’une bosse sur un gros projet pendant 6 mois, une autre par exemple pourrait produire des petits jeux une fois tous les 15 jours pour rapporter de l’argent à la société.

Tout ne se passe pas aussi facilement, ce serait trop simple: il faut aussi tenir compte du délai imposé pour la sortie d’un jeu, prendre garde au concurrent qui tient à son quasi-monopole, gérer le talent des programmeurs et codeurs en leur offrant des stages de formation et en ajustant leur salaire… Il faudra également attiser l’attente du public sans la décevoir. Tout un programme!

Videogames Manager se jouerait exclusivement à l’écran tactile.

Il y aura différentes fins suivant le pourcentage de parts de marché conquises à la fin des 5 ans.

Mokup mockup2'

KMSC #17: Sandy

This 16th entry was created by Archagon
Here is his description:

A variation of the popular “falling sand game”.

Use the stylus to draw whichever element you’ve selected.
[The elements, from left to right: wall, water, sand, wax, oil, fire, plant, erase.
Pressing a button changes the palette to a second palette: spout, salt, and 6 modifiers. (water, sand, salt, and oil streams, pen size, and game speed)]
Start clears the screen.

The game works as follows: (not my invention)

* everything is made up of pixel-particles
* wall doesn’t react with anything, but can be worn away by fire
* water dissolves salt to create salt water, and sinks in oil
* salt water sinks in water
* wax slowly burns and drips down when exposed to fire
* oil rapidly combusts when exposed to fire
* plant rapidly spreads through water (not salt water), but is easily burned by fire
* spout generates water, but is dissolved by sand
* sand sinks in water
* there are 4 optional streams emanating from the top of the screen: water, sand, salt, and oil
* the liquid elements (water, salt water, sand, molten wax, oil, and salt) are affected by gravity

To see a variation of this game in action, go here:
Falling Sand Wiki:
There may be open source implementations floating about that could be ported.